Possibly candidates for Pokemon Movie Eighteen Villain

The fact that their is an upcoming Pokemon movie has been known for a while now, but little is known about the plot, such as if it will feature a villain or not. However, with a large poster showing several characters revealed, here are some candidates for the villain.

Poster showing the two most likely candidates for villain circled in red.

Poster showing the two most likely candidates for villain circled in red.

1: This is the most likely candidate for the villain. While their are two other human characters on the poster other than Ash and his friends, the other two are kids while this is a tall, sinister man. He is either dressed in an Arabian outfit or a snow outfit, I don’t know which. He has long, curly black hair and a mustache, making him resemble Captain Hook from Peter Pan.

2: This one is less likely, because their is an 80% chance that this is a Pokemon. All that can be seen of this character is two sinister eyes peeking out of a vortex. The eyes resemble the eyes of Primal Kyogre, but this is not him because Kyogre is already on the poster somewhere else. So if this is a new Pokemon, Nintendo probably would have leaked it by now. So who do these eyes belong two? It’s possible they belong to an evil overlord-type character who is plotting to make his way into the pokemon world, possibly even being assisted by my first idea for the villain. Such a storyline is unlikely for Pokemon, but the movies have considerably more evil and dangerous villains than the episodes, and I don’t have any other ideas for those mysterious eyes.

Who do you think will be the villain of the eighteenth pokemon movie? Do you think it will have a villain at all? I guess we’ll have to wait for Nintendo to reveal it.

The Mysterious Pokemon Villain

The Pokemon Episode “Ill Will Hunting” pits Ash and his friends against the evil Pokemon Hunter J. Although J is one of the most powerful and evil villains in the series, she is just a mercenary who works for more powerful villains. This episode featured an extremely sinister looking figure who J was working for.

This sinister man's identity was never revealed.

This sinister man’s identity was never revealed.

This mysterious man usually cloaked in shadow;his face is never seen.He appears to have henchmen working for him. These henchmen look like secret agents. Because of this, once can speculate that he is a rather rich and powerful villain due to the fact that his minions look official  as apposed to looking like thugs. However, he uses a typical helicopter instead of the high tech ones Team Rocket and the other villainous teams, implying he has lower tech. Another thing one can guess about him is that he may be an evil businessman and/or crime lord, due to him appearing to sit at a desk. He walks Hunter J to capture the Shieldon due to them being “rare Pokemon”. This may point to him being an evil collector, like Lawrence III from the second Pokemon movie. Nothing official can  be said of the character. Despite the fact that the episode uses pretty much every way you can portray a hidden main villain (Even a deep, echoing voice), this  character never appeared again.

This shot is commonly used for creepy, major villains.

This shot is commonly used for creepy, major villains.

Personally, I think this character’s role was a waste of a potential major villain. Why bother making him seem like a hidden main villain if they never were going to use him again? I hope, in the future, Pokemon will have another villain portrayed like this one, only this time he is the villain of a large and dramatic story arc.

Why the Pokemon Series Needs to Change

Pokemon is the world’s second most popular video game series, after Mario (My favorite). However, I don’t know why that’s the case, because unlike other popular video game series, Pokemon has seen nearly no change in gameplay.

The first Pokemon game is simple. You had to catch Pokemon, travel around the land defeating the gyms, stopping the bad guys, and then going and defeating the Pokemon Champion to become the Champion yourself. The graphics were really bad and were black and white. However, the game was on the low-power Game Boy system, so this can be excused.

However, the next Pokemon game, Pokemon Yellow, was basically the same only with these major differences: Pikachu is your starter Pokemon, your rival has different Pokemon, and Jessie and James from the cartoon are able to be fought. I’ll talk about the cartoon later. So, basically the game was just a remake of the first one.

The first Pokemon game was very bad graphic.

The first Pokemon game was very bad graphic.

The next games in the series was exactly the same only with some Gym Leader changes and the villains were slightly different. So three games in a row, exactly the same world and concept.

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire featured a new world and Pokemon finally, but still the same concept: Conquer the gyms and, while you’re at it, defeat the villain and then, when all the gyms are won, you beat the Elite Four and Champion. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl was the same! And it’s graphics were about as high-quality as the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Diamond and Pearl was released in 2009, and A Link to the Past was released in 1991! That just shows how poorly the graphics improved!

A forest in Diamond and Pearl is not much better than The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

A forest in Diamond and Pearl is not much better than The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

A link to the past is barely worse than diamond and pearl.

A link to the past is barely worse than diamond and pearl.

Pokemon Black and White had the same concept with barely updated graphics.

The next game released, Black and White 2, was set in exactly the same world, being just a remake of a game released the year before with some story differences and minor changes of the world.

Pokemon X and Y FINALLY updated the graphics, but kept the same concept.

X and Y finally improved the graphics.

X and Y finally improved the graphics.

One of the things that bugs me most about Pokemon is the final battle. In games like the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the main villain of the game is Ganondorf and the climax of the game is a fight with Ganondorf in his dark fortress. In Pokemon, the final battle is with a friendly side character, the champion, in some mansion-arena place. Pokemon Black and White Two, oddly, is the only game where the game’s main villain, Ghetsis, is fought as the final boss. Also, lots of Pokemon villains are just misunderstood people that want to help the world but are doing it in the wrong way, while most Mario villains and all Zelda villains are pure evil.

Ocarina of Time has an epic final battle against the main villain.

Ocarina of Time has an epic final battle against the main villain.

When I was younger and I first watched the Pokemon cartoon, I thought it was awesome. But now I realize that it is just as repetitive as the games. Unlike most shows with a focus on battles, it has no main villain. The “main villains” are Jessie, James, and Meowth, three low-ranking minions of an evil organization, Team Rocket. The boss of Team Rocket, Giovanni, is the natural choice for the main villain but he rarely appears. Some shows, like Lego’s Ninjago cartoon, are all one story arc that leads up to an epic final battle. However, every Pokemon episode is stand-alone, and often nothing really happens. Here’s the basic outline for most pokemon episodes: Ash and his friends are walking on a forest path, when a Pokemon jumps out of the bushes! Soon it’s trainer comes and says he’s having problems taking care of that Pokemon so Ash decides to help him. The Team Rocket Trio sees them and decide to steal that Pokemon and Pikachu. But Ash defeats them and then parts ways with the trainer he helped. Practically every episode is like that. However, the movies are better, as they are like 1 hour long and pit Ash against an extra-evil villain. Most villains of the Pokemon movies are way more evil than the common episode villains and have things like awesome spaceships that usually explode near the climax. They are a lot more epic!

Lawrence III, main villain of the pokemon movie The Power of One, uses a large spaceship not commonly found in the series.

Lawrence III, main villain of the pokemon movie The Power of One, uses a large spaceship not commonly found in the series.

Grings Kodai, main villain of the pokemon movie Zorowak and Zorua: Master of Illusions, is probably the most evil pokemon villain ever. He fights without using pokemon, electrifying both people and pokemon with his mechanical claw.

Grings Kodai, main villain of the pokemon movie Zorowak and Zorua: Master of Illusions, is probably the most evil pokemon villain ever. He fights without using pokemon, electrifying both people and pokemon with his mechanical claw.

Team Rocket prepares to battle Ash. It happens in nearly every episode.

Team Rocket prepares to battle Ash. It happens in nearly every episode.

I think the Pokemon games need to have a more large focus on defeating the villain, who should be the final boss. I also think that you should actually be able to move your Pokemon around in the battles. Some turn-based RPGs, like Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, allow you to dodge enemies’ moves and you have the press the buttons with right timing to do damage. The pokemon battle system is just click on the attack you want, and it happens. Then your enemy attacks. A change like that would make the pokemon battles more interesting and to improve the shows, they should make Giovanni the main villain or add a new villain. There should also be an epic plot twist.  For example, where Ash’s dad is revealed to be Giovanni!

Mario and Luigi Dream Team's turn-based battles are more complex, both in how you do the attacks and in animations.

Mario and Luigi Dream Team’s turn-based battles are more complex, both in how you do the attacks and in animations.

Giovanni, evil boss of Team Rocket, should be Ash's father in the pokemon anime.

Giovanni, evil boss of Team Rocket, should be Ash’s father in the pokemon anime.

So, why is the Pokemon series so popular? What do people see in these repetitive games? Who knows?